William and I met at a Scottish Country Dance at Sherando Lake. We both instantly felt there was something between us. I was certain he would come to the Scottish Ball just 2 weeks later. When I was met with disappointment I went to the internet to find him. We had a mutual friend on Facebook, so I friended him and sent a bold message. Then, I perused his pictures and searched for his company website to get a better feel for him. Drumeller Construction was the name of the company back then and the background picture was this gorgeous interior shot of a renovation. There was so much light and natural wood. It was quite striking. I could tell he had talent and skill, but I was in for a bigger surprise.
As things progressed, I came to his hometown for our 3rd date. I followed my GPS over the mountains and through quaint, small town streets – all so familiar to me now. Nervousness was growing as I climbed the stairs of his bungalow and then…there it was – the renovation from his website. The front door was wide open and there was the unique fireplace, the noteworthy mantle for photos, the light, the air, the heart pine flooring – it was just as breathtaking as the professional photo.

We eloped 13 days after our first date, so even on my first visit
I already had a strong inkling that this would be my home. That dreamy interior has hosted my children’s birthdays, it has been decorated for Christmas and birthdays, farewells and homecomings. We’ve huddled around the fireplace for fun and warmth in the winter months. The mantle is now filled with photos from our “wedding,” our babies and our lives before we met. The light filters in through circle time with our little ones; the air echoes with our memories. The pine wood floors have taken poundings from indoor bikes, toddler foot races and family dance parties. This is home.
#Renovation #heartpineflooring #bungalow #design #remodel #greatroom #mantle #fireplace #doublefireplace #dinningroomrenovation #kitchenrenovation #familyroomrenovation